One Day On-Site Business Assessment

What is the Service?

The on-site one-day assessment is for owners, executives, and/or private equity owners, desiring to receive an expert opinion of where and how to improve business results.

Here is a typical agenda for the day:

  • 30 Minute introduction & kick off with your management team
    • Explain your team’s goals (for this meeting limit that to three or less)
    • Complain. We would like to know what’s hard.  What is difficult in your business environment?
  • Tour your office / operations / equipment
    • Go see.  Guided tour.  Let us walk through your work area
    • 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 interviews with your management team, supervisors, and/or leads.  Ideally these interviews would be a comprehensive sampling, but we understand your team may have limited availability.  We want to go to the experts and that’s your employees
  • End of day on-site report:
    • Top 10 opportunities.  For businesses with revenue > $ 200M this top 10 list should identify $ 100,000 in savings potential.  We will share this the same day as the tour (5% is our goal)
    • Schedule a follow up meeting where we can share our written assessment findings & recommendations

How Will it Help My Company?

We have likely seen similar problems over our 24-year history and worked with our clients to reduce or eliminate them.  Typically, customers want to identify obstacles to:

  • More responsiveness to your customers
  • Improving your culture
  • Reducing lead time or expense
  • Improving quality
  • Increase turns on inventory
  • Confirming your suspicions on changes necessary for your organization

A quote I recently read

“If you look closely into history, you will find that rhetoric killed philosophy.  Philosophy died because for all but a small minority it ceased to be real, it passed from the sphere of thought and conduct to that of exposition and literature … they became masters of fine phrases and lived in an age in which fine phrases had value … No sooner is any special form of literature created by the genius of a great writer than there arises a class of men who cultivate the style of it for the style’s sake. …. there arises a class of men who copy the form without the substance.”  (Edwin Hatch)

The purpose of the story is that there are many, many ‘copy artists’ in the field of Lean Six Sigma.  We do very good training, but first and foremost we are management consultants. We are adept at identifying gaps, measuring them, and then providing your team easy ways to implement and sustain new operational tools.  Show us a process and we will show you how it can be measured & improved.

How to Get Started:

  1. Contact us to setup a phone call
  2. Lock a date for the visit
  3. Provide a brief background of your company and current goals

We have our own plane and can easily come to you, based upon availability, typically within days of the request.

One Day On-Site Assessment

Travel ranges for tgg

Requirements for Your Visit:

  1. Annual sales of > $ 200M
  2. Visit supported by your executive team and/or an existing budget for consulting already exists
  3. Agreement to present our assessment findings to your executive team (typically 45 minutes in duration within 1 to 2 weeks post on-site visit)

Within 500 nautical miles we charge $ 500.  500 to 1,000 nautical miles we charge $ 1,000.  Greater than 1,000 nautical miles the price is the same ($ 1,000), but it may take us longer to schedule the visit due to commercial air travel pricing constraints. Click on the image to enlarge territory map. 

For companies with revenue less than $ 200M, we double the assessment charges above but seek to help you implement the improvements yourselves (without on-site consulting) using hourly remote support.  

Management consulting in Lean Six Sigma is – literally – all we’ve ever done.  We are experts in business processes and most of our consulting team have engineering degrees.  We welcome difficult complex business obstacles in any/all business industries.  Spend 10 to 15 minutes on our website and review the tools, pictures, people, and outcomes that demonstrate our expertise. 

Closing note.  For business owners desiring a thorough assessment of their businesses, please see our comprehensive assessments. It’s critical to fully understand the potential of your business and because of our experience can assess your business from the first customer contact through the last invoice payment.

Click here and select “assessment services.”

Please contact us today through the form on our website.

Define your Problem Statement.

The first step towards breaking your organizational log jams is identifying and verbalizing the challenge you're facing. What are you trying to solve? This simple Problem Statement exercise can have profound implications for your team. It helps you define the issue and gives TGG some sense of where the soft spots could be in your Order to Cash process. We invite you to take a few moments to fill out this form. A TGG consultant will contact you shortly to discuss your Problem Statement and provide some insight on how we may be able to help.

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